How did Kazo, Kiruhura and Mbarara districts perform in PLE Exams ?
How different district performed in PLE Exams

How different district performed in PLE Exams
Kazo district has registered 16 pupils in grade U in the
recently released 2024 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE).
According to the district Inspector
of Schools Tumwesigye John Bosco, 16 pupils failed to get
any grade in their Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) and encouraged
parents of these pupils not to blame them instead take them back to schools so
that they can repeat the class and perform well.
Despite the challenges faced by some
students, Tumwesigye emphasized that Kazo district
performed well overall in the 2024 PLE. The district achieved a total of 639
students in division one, an increase from 558 in 2023. In division two, Kazo district
had 2,413 pupils, up from 1,852 the previous year of 2023. Notably,
the number of pupils in grade U decreased significantly, with 65 pupils
ungraded in 2023 compared to only 16 in 2024.
In terms of overall performance, Kazo district
secured the 14th position nationwide among the recently released PLE results,
highlighting the district's progress in education.
Meanwhile in Kiruhura district, pupils who sat for PLE
Exams 3124, those who managed to have a first grade are 628, and those who
came in division two are 2203, in division three are 167, in Division 4 are 58
and those in grade U are 21.
In Mbarara district, the district has registered
21 Pupils in grade U from the recently released 2024 Primary
leaving examination. Despite the ungraded
pupils Kellen Ayebazibwe Kabeho the district inspector of
schools said that the district performed well in this year's primary leaving
examination compared to the previous year.
She narrated
of 3,547 pupils who registered and sat for PLE 1,007 pupil's passed in division
one, 2,229 passed in division two, 199 in division three, while 44 in
division four. Mbarara district was ranked eighth countrywide in
the Primary leaving examination results.
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