Christians urged to support Churches
Support Churches to have more Blessings - Christians urged

Support Churches to have more Blessings - Christians urged
Over 10 million shillings was collected during a fundraising function to raise funds to support the roofing of Kakinga Full Gospel Church in Ishongororo town council, Ibanda district. The fundraising function was held yesterday March, 24th tat Kakinga Full Gospel Church in Ishongororo town council, Ibanda district.
Preaching during the service, Robert Mugume, the overseer Ibanda Full Churches urged Christians to always offer support to their respective churches to pave away to people to fulfilling God's work in preaching the Gospel and have more Blessings from God.
The Ibanda North County Legislator Hon. Xavier Kyooma Akampurira urged both political leaders and Christians to work together in promoting God’s ministry.
James Nuwabine, the pastor Kakinga full gospel church commended Hon Kyooma Xavier Akampurira for always supporting in building churches and other church activities.
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