Food prices in Ibanda
Food prices
Food prices
The prices for a number of produce items have continued to drop in Ibanda district over the past month, with dealers attributing it to low market sentiment with minimal market activity.
Traders in Ibanda town quote the price of mixed beans at sh3,000 per kilogramme for retail buyers, decreasing from sh3,500 during the first week of June. The farm-gate price of mixed beans is sh2,700 per kilo. Green and yellow beans cost sh3,500 a kilogramme, indicating a drop from shs.4,200 over the reporting period, while nambale goes for sh3,200 per kilo, down from sh3,800. Namable costs sh3,500 in Rushango town council, Ibanda North county.
Dry cassava lost 300 to trade at sh2,000 per kilo. It costs sh1,800 from farmers but traders ferry it mainly from Kyenjojo and Hoima districts after local supplies dwindled and this is according to Ibanda Produce Dealers Association chairman Godfrey Begumisa.
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