PDM beneficiaries challenged to start up start income generating activities
Start income generating activities -Mbarara RCC to PDM beneficiaries

Start income generating activities -Mbarara RCC to PDM beneficiaries
Mbarara Resident City Commissioner (RCC) Lt.col.James Mwesigye has urged residents across the country to take up the advantage of Parish Development Model (PDM) and start up income generating activities to improve their lives.
He made the remarks as chief guest of honor while addressing the PDM beneficiaries, RDC’s and leaders at different level during a Citizen Involvement and social media coverage for the Parish Development Model program (PDM) organized by the National Broadcaster UBC and the PDM secretariat in Boma Mbarara city.
He warned the people to desist from the habit of forming enterprise groups with the intent to get money and spend it on non-productive activities. In his message read by Aggrey Barutya who represented the managing director Uganda Broadcasting corporation noted that they decided to partner with other media houses to promote the event entitled get involved to create awareness among the citizens to fully participate in monitoring and evolution the distributed PDM funds.
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